The Bouwens Astrophysics Fund was established in 2022 by dr. Rychard Bouwens.
The objective of the fund is to enable the execution of truly excellent scientific work in the field of astronomy and astrophysics, in the broadest sense of the word. The fund enables the appointment of an Astrophysics PhD candidate.
The Douwe D. Breimer Research Fund arose from the former Douwe D. Breimer Research Foundation. The Foundation was established in 2000 in honor of Douwe D. Breimer's 25th anniversary as Professor of Pharmacology at Leiden University, and was transferred to LUF as a named fund in 2021.
This fund aims to stimulate, support, and promote scientific meetings in the field of Pharmacology, particularly those concerned with fundamental research and mathematical modelling to better understand the processes of drug disposition (pharmacokinetics) and effects (pharmacodynamics). In this way, the fund contributes to the promotion of good health and high-quality (tertiary) education.
As part of its educational mission, the fund also supports activities organised by and for students of Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmacy at Leiden University or by and for members of the Royal Dutch Pharmaceutical Student Association (KNPSV).
The J.R.D. Kuikenga Fund for Mathematicians was founded in 1994.
The fund promotes the study of and research into mathematics, mechanics and computing at Leiden University.
The Jacob Davelaar Fund was established in 2024.
The objective of the fund is to support young researchers from the Faculty of Science, preferably physicists and astronomers, so that they have the opportunity to go abroad for internships, conference visits or study purposes.
This named fund was established with part of the estate of Ms. Ferial Chummun. Ferial passed away in 2017 from a progressive cancer. It was her last wish to support female Master's students in Astronomy. It reflects a belief in the impact of education to shape lives, to empower individuals and it tells the story of a passion for Astronomy and Portugal.
The fund supports female students from Portugal, who have no other financial resources available, with a scholarship to follow an MSc program at the Leiden Observatory for the period of two years, all in the broadest sense of the word. This scholarship covers tuition and part of the cost of living.
More about the Ferial Chummun Scholarship in Astronomy can be found on this page (University website).
The Frans Arnold Natural Sciences Fund was established in 2021 by Frans Arnold and Inez Arnold-Overbeeke.
In 2024, the Bachiene part of the dissolved Thorbecke and Bachiene Foundation was added to the Frans Arnold Natural Sciences Fund.
The aim of the fund is to financially support projects aimed at pure scientific research in one of the natural sciences.
Background information about the former Thorbecke and Bachiene foundation
The Thorbecke and Bachiene Foundation originated from the administrative merger of two separate foundations, the Thorbecke Foundation (1878) and the Bachiene Foundation (1918), carried out in 1918.
The Bachiene Foundation
The Bachiene Foundation was established in 1918 as a result of the last will and testament of the daughter of the Dutch politician Philip Johannes Bachiene (Amsterdam, December 3, 1814 - The Hague, March 14, 1881). Bachiene was a nineteenth-century liberal politician and a follower of J.R. Thorbecke. For four years he was a Member of Parliament for a constituency in Zeeland. As a Member of the House of Representatives, he was part of the first parliamentary committee of inquiry, which investigated the salt excise tax (November 22, 1852 to April 27, 1853). From 1862 he was a state councilor in the Council of State.
The will of Bachiene's daughter (died July 25, 1912) stipulates the following about the foundation's assets: 'That fund should serve either for organising competitions on subjects of the physical sciences, in particular human physiology, zoology or astronomy, or to provide scholarships to promising and underprivileged students in those branches of science.'
No competition has been held in the past 80 years, but a number of scholarships have been awarded. Since 2007, the foundation has awarded a Bachiene Prize of 5,000 euros for eminent work in the scientific fields mentioned in the statutes of the Bachiene Foundation. The prize has been awarded twice. The laureates include J.T. Pronk and T.H. Oosterkamp.
The Inge Voesten-Appel Fund was established in 2020 by Mr. M.T.P.J. Voesten in memory of his wife Mrs. I. Voesten-Appel.
The fund was set up to support the teaching of communication skills to Master’s students Pharmacy.
The Joskind Fund was founded in 2023 by Mr B.J. Reichert and Mrs. E.J. Barel.
The objective of the Joskind Fund is to support research aimed at making food production more effective and environmentally friendly or developing technologies that help reduce the negative impact on biodiversity. Valorisation of knowledge resulting from this research is also pursued. The first project supported by the fund is research into sustainable agriculture in the Polderlab.
In honor of Krijn Rietveld (1957 - 2018), Leiden University Fund and dsm-firmenich launched the Krijn Rietveld Memorial Award Fund to recognise and reward excellence in innovative research that contributes to a brighter society.
From 2024 onwards there will be three awards instead of the original award:
- The Krijn Rietveld Student Innovation Award: 2.500 euros for master students (to be awarded annually from 2024 up and until 2029)
- The Krijn Rietveld Young Researcher Innovation Award: 3000 euros for PhD students and postdocs up to three years after PhD graduation (to be awarded annually from 2024 up and until 2029)
- The Krijn Rietveld Scientific Business Grant: 13.500 euros to be spent on valorization of research results plus non-financial support from DSM and Luris (to be awarded in 2025 and 2027)
This fund was established on 17 March 2015 using a donation by Dr C.J. Kroese and Mrs J.A.M. Kroese-Duijsters.
The fund aims to make it possible to organise an activity or project at the Leiden Institute of Chemistry (LIC), part of the Faculty of Science at Leiden University, and annually supports the rotating honorary chair Enforcement of Children's Rights at the centre of expertise for children's rights at the Faculty of Law.
The will of W.E. Kruytbosch, who died on 11 October 1934 in Wassenaar, named his wife as sole heir and stipulated that upon her death his remaining legacy should be donated to the Leiden University Fund.
The Leidsche Sterrewacht Fund dedicates some of the money to the promotion of astronomy at Leiden University, and some to the promotion of astronomy in general, both within and outside the Netherlands.
The Mayo Greenberg Fund was set up in 2002 by Ms Naomi Greenberg-Slovin in memory of her father, Professor J. Mayo Greenberg, who died in 2001. The fund commemorates his special relationship with Leiden’s Astronomical Observatory and recognises his strong, lasting interest in higher education in the Netherlands.
The fund aims to create and sustain a scholarship in astrophysics, astrochemistry and/or astrobiology at the Leiden Observatory. The scholarship is awarded once every two years to a gifted student in need of financial support, preferably a student from Asia, Africa or South America.
The goal of the Prieneke van Hoeve Interdisciplinary Astronomy Fund is to facilitate academic research, preferably interdisciplinary research, in the field of astronomy at Leiden Observatory, the astronomical institute within the Faculty of Science of Leiden University.
15 July 2009 marked the 100th anniversary of Hendrik Casimir’s birth. In honour of what would have been her late husband’s 100th birthday, J.M. Casimir-Jonker inaugurated the Professor Hendrik Casimir Fund for the Casimir Research School, set up by the LUF.
The Casimir Research School is the graduate school for interdisciplinary physics. It represents a collaboration between the Leiden Institute of Physics (LION) and the Kavli Institute of Nanoscience at Delft University of Technology.
The fund aims to enable master’s students from the Casimir Research School to participate in international academic events.

The Rijke-Hamaker Fund provides financial support to PhD candidates in the field of Science, by providing grants.
The Slingelands Fund was founded in 1915 according to the will of Th.G.A. Slingelands, former subdistrict judge in Heusden. He left his farmhouse at Haastrecht to the Leiden University Fund, which sold the house in 1963.
The Slingelands Fund primarily supports the Faculty of Physics, in particular cosmography, as well as the Faculties of Law and Medicine.
The Swaantje Mondt Fund was set up by Martine and Jaap Mondt in the summer of 2016. The fund bears the name Swaantje Mondt in memory of their daughter, and was created because the donors consider it important that young researchers should be able to expand their horizons in the form of a study trip abroad. The agreement was extended for a further 5 years in 2020.
Jaap Mondt: ‘We want this fund to give opportunities to young, talented scholars. From our own experience, we know how important it is to see many parts of the world: it educates you. At the same time, we’re both very interested in scholarship. This fund combines all of these aspects.’
An in-depth interview with Martine and Jaap Mondt about the Fund was published in Leidraad in 2016.

The fund is intended to enable international PhD candidates to study and gain experience at Leiden University and to enable Leiden PhD candidates to spend time studying abroad. PhD candidates of Leiden Law School, the Faculty of Science or the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs, and international PhD candidates who wish to study at one of these Leiden faculties, are all eligible to apply for a grant. In special cases, PhD candidates of other Leiden University faculties can submit an application.
This fund is named for its benefactor Professor Ewine van Dishoeck.
The aim of the fund is to encourage talented young scientists, through:
- an annual prize – the Leiden Science Young Talent Award – for the best bachelor’s student at the Faculty of Science.
- an outreach and education programme in astronomy in the Netherlands Antilles.
- a lecture by a distinguished young astrochemist.
- a grant for an internship of a talented student, such as a participant in the Leiden ESA Summer Student Program (LEAPS).
The will of Mr H. van Trigt, who died on 10 July 1965, designated the Leiden University Fund as sole heir and charged the LUF with forming a separate fund – the Van Trigt Fund – to be managed by the LUF.
The fund is intended to promote the natural sciences in general (Physics, Chemistry, Astronomy, Geology, Zoology, Botany, et cetera) and the physiology of humans, animals and plants in particular.