Have you considered including the LUF in your will? After your life you can continue to contribute to the future of Leiden University by including the LUF in your will in the form of a bequest or as an heir or one of your beneficiaries.
This is a way for you to give future generations of driven scientists and students the chance to develop their skills and to make a valuable contribution to society and to have your own ideals live on in science.

Personal wishes
Maybe you would like to consider the options of bequests or donations to support pioneering science? If so, we will be very happy to discuss the possibilities with you – completely free of any obligation – and to help you with your decision. For more information, and advice appropriate for your situation, please contact Liesbeth van Biezen via +31 71 527 6094 or
If you decide to include the LUF in your will, we would love to hear from you. That way we can thank you for your support and invite you to the special meetings that we organise. You can contact Liesbeth van Biezen for this.
ANBI status
Any funds that you donate to us will be used entirely for the benefit of our researchers and students. LUF enjoys Public Benefit Organisation status (ANBI, Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling), which means that donations and bequests are exempt from tax.
A lasting impact
Our starting point – unless you indicate otherwise, of course – is the preservation of your legacy. With the return on your gift, you ensure that we can continue to invest in groundbreaking innovations and discoveries, far beyond what we can imagine today. You will thus support talented scientists and students well into the future. Please let us know what your wishes are regarding your donation and how you wish for your ideals to live on.