The Cella Durksz Fund was founded in 2013 by F.B. Durksz, in memory of Cella Durksz.
The Cella Durksz Fund is intended to be used to facilitate research into the cause and treatment of bipolar disorders.
The De Klerk-Waller Fund has been established in 2023 by C.S. de Klerk-Waller and J.P. de Klerk.
The fund supports scientific research aimed at preventing and treating all forms of cancer by awarding an annual project grant to a young scientist who has obtained a doctorate no later than five years before the grant application.
The Den Dulk-Moermans Fund was set up in 2010 after a legacy was received from A.M. den Dulk.
The aim of the fund is to finance research into health in the broadest sense of the word.
The Dr. Charles de Monchy Fund was set up by the Dr Charles de Monchy Foundation in 2016.
The aim of the fund is to support the Willem-Alexander Children’s Hospital (WAKZ) in Leiden, in part by awarding travel grants to PhD candidates and students to attend conferences outside the Netherlands or to do a period of study abroad or an overseas internship.
Dr. Edith Frederiks (1923-2012) was the first plastic surgeon in the Netherlands and later also the country’s first reader in plastic surgery, and was associated with the Academic Hospital (today, LUMC) in Leiden. The Dr Edith Frederiks Fund was created on 15 January 2013, following Dr Frederiks’ death on 28 September 2012.
The fund supports medical students by awarding them travel grants, particularly for research in the field of surgery.
The Dr. F.F. Hofman Fund was created from Dr F.F. Hofman’s legacy, which was received in 2015 by the Leiden University Fund.
The fund aims to support specialised training and education in the field of gastroenterology. This includes international programmes.
This named fund was established in 2023 with a donation by Mr Hans van der Valk.
The fund has a specific objective, namely facilitating research, in the research group of professor M.E. Drukker, to the discovery of an in vitro stem cell model representative of the neuromesodermic stem cells of the caudal embryo (axial stem cells), and the generation thereof of peripheral nerves and other cell types for both basic research and clinical applications, all in the broadest sense of the word.
In 2025, the Mariella-Aura-Migraine Fund was established.
The fund's objective is to support scientific research focused on Aura-Migraine within the Faculty of Medicine (Department of Neurology)/LUMC, specifically the research led by professor Gisela Terwindt, head of the Leiden Headache Center.
The Mulder-Hamelers Fund was set up in 2013 after a legacy had been received from M.S.H. Hamelers.
The fund was set up to promote research within the department of Endocrinology at Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC).
The Nypels-Tans PTSD Fund was set up in 2018 by R.G. Nypels.
The aim of the fund is to promote scientific research and stimulate innovative projects in the fields of medicine, psychiatry and clinical psychology – in particular psychotraumatology – and to promote developments in care applications for people who have been exposed to severe psychotrauma.
These people particularly include members of the armed forces and other uniformed personnel, but also civilians suffering with symptoms of severe post-traumatic stress. The research may involve developing new technologies aimed at preventing and treating post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and/or improving existing technologies.

The Nypels-van der Zee Fund was set up by R.G. Nypels.
The fund is intended to be used for projects in the field of medicine that develop technologies with healthcare applications. These projects may develop new technologies and/or improve on existing ones.
An article about the creation of the Nypels-van der Zee Fund was published in January 2016 in Leidraad alumni magazine [in Dutch].

The Otto Rombouts MD Fund was established in 2023 from part of the estate of Otto R. Rombouts, who died in 2018 surrounded by his daughters.
Otto Rombouts graduated in medicine from Leiden University in 1957. After successfully completing his studies, he moved with his young family to the United States, where he completed his residency and had a successful career as an anesthesiologist in Seattle. He was involved with Doctors Without Borders, among other things, which according to him provided his most valuable medical experiences. It was a conscious choice for Rombouts to work in a general hospital, where he could really make a difference.
Even though Dr. Rombouts moved to the US with full conviction, he never forgot the Netherlands and his alma mater. The LUF honors the involvement of this alumnus with the in memoriam establishment of the Otto Rombouts MD Fund.
The fund contributes to research at the Leiden University Medical Center and supports its researchers in the broadest sense of the word.
The P.A. Jager-van Gelder Fund was founded in 2017 by Martine J. Jager, professor in ophthalmology.
The fund aims to make it possible for students, PhD candidates and postdoc researchers in ophthalmology from Leiden or from abroad to gain experience in the field of ophthalmology research. Grants are awarded to individual students and PhD candidates from Leiden University who go abroad to study or conduct research in the field of ophthalmology, as well as to students and PhD candidates from outside the Netherlands who come to Leiden for the same reasons.
Each year, one or two postdoc researchers can also apply for a grant for ophthalmology research. The applicants can be either Leiden University researchers intending to go abroad or researchers from outside the Netherlands who want to come to Leiden University to do ophthalmology research here.
The Piso-Kuperus Fund was set up in 2010 after a legacy was received from H.J. Piso.
The fund was set up to promote research into internal diseases and their treatment.
The Prof.dr. A.E. Meinders Fund was established in 2021 by Prof.dr. A.E. Meinders. He studied at the University of Amsterdam and worked from 1987 to 2005 as specialist for internal diseases (internist) at the Leiden University Medical Centre (LUMC).
The fund was set up to provide scholarships to medical students to do scientific research for example (part of) PhD research or a scientific internship patient care abroad. The research area should be internal diseases.
In 2023, the Prof.dr. J.M.Th. van Maanen Fund was established by professor J.M.Th. van Maanen. She was one of the first Dutch nurses with a PhD (UCSF, United States) and went on to become a professor of Nursing Sciences at the universities of Toronto (Canada) and Bremen (Germany). From personal experience, Mrs Van Maanen knows how essential good treatment is after a stroke. The rehabilitation process made it clear to her that scientific knowledge concerning this matter is still limited and that research from various perspectives is crucial in developing and improving treatment methods. Mrs van Maanen hopes to be able to make an essential contribution to this goal by the establishment of a named fund.
The aim of the fund is to stimulate research in various disciplines - including medicine, nursing sciences and paramedical professions - into hand, arm and shoulder impediments resulting from non-congenital brain injury, including CVA.
The Prof. Jaap de Graeff-Lingling Wiyadharma Fund was established in 2020 by Mr Hans R. van der Valk, LL.M. in memory of his wife Lingling Wiyadharma and Prof. Jaap de Graeff, the physician who treated her for many years for kidney failure. Mr Van der Valk studied Law at Leiden University at the end of the 1950s. When he was posted to the embassy in Jakarta, he met Lingling Wiyadharma, who was studying in Amsterdam at the time. Lingling suffered from an autoimmune disease that caused her kidneys to fail, and she therefore received treatment at the LUMC from 1984 onwards. The treatment provided by Prof. De Graeff and many other physicians and specialists in numerous disciplines and several different countries enabled her life to be extended by thirty years. When Lingling died in 2014, Mr Van der Valk established a named fund in her memory, linked to the foundation of the professor who treated her.
The purpose of the fund is to support research into regenerative medicine in the area of nephrology. The entire grant has been awarded to Prof.Dr. Ton Rabelink.
The R. Boer Iwema Fund was established in 2024.
The objective of the fund is to support ophthalmological research at the Faculty of Medicine/LUMC of Leiden University.
Rie Schild-de Groen, house mother of Minerva House ’t Heerenhoeckje at Rapenburg 110, died in 2017. This legendary Leiden figure reached the fine old age of 94, and for almost 70 of those years she cleaned the student house. She went there every single day and began her day with a cup of coffee for which all the residents had to be present. Her philosophy was: party like a man at night, be a man the morning after. More than anyone else, she saw the changes that took place in Leiden’s student life, and in 2007 she was awarded the University Medal for her important role during the time spent in Leiden by both current and former residents of Rapenburg 110. Part of her legacy was used to set up a Named Fund.
The aim of the fund is to support scientific research for the prevention and treatment of all forms of cancer by awarding one annual project grant to a young scientist and three annual prizes to students for a publication or thesis in the field of cancer research.

The Slingelands Fund was founded in 1915 as specified in the will of Th.G.A. Slingelands, former subdistrict judge in Heusden. He left his farmhouse in Haastrecht to the Leiden University Fund, which sold the house in 1963.
The Slingelands Fund primarily supports the Faculty of Science, in particular cosmography, but also supports the Faculties of Law and Medicine.
This fund was set up by L.J.A. van Wersch and M.J.H. van Wersch-Knepflé.
The fund has a specific objective, namely to award two prizes each year: the Van Wersch Springplankprijzen (‘Springboard Prizes’). Each prize is an award of up to 10,000 euros for academic publications by active, talented researchers in the field of medical/pharmaceutical and legal research in the broadest sense. The research must be published no more than five years after the researchers gained their PhDs.