Other student grants
In addition to grants for overseas trips and student activities, the Leiden University Fund (LUF) also offers students other avenues of support.
Talented students from developing countries or fragile democracies who want to follow a programme at Leiden University may qualify for a scholarship from the Kuiper-Overpelt Study Fund. The founders of the fund, W.G. Kuiper and A.C.M.D Overpelt, want to enable students to participate constructively in civil society, government or the development of their country of origin once they have graduated.
The scholarship is a grant for a - preferably one-year - master’s degree programme at Leiden University.

In partnership with LUF, the Lutfia Rabbani Foundation supports excellent students who are strongly motivated to improve the Euro-Arab dialogue. Each year, the Fund provides a full study grant for a student from the Arab world who is going to follow an advanced master’s programme at Leiden University. In addition, the student can make use of a mentor programme and is given access to the extensive, diverse network of the Lutfia Rabbani Foundation.
More information
For more information about the study grant, see the news item ‘Lutfia Rabbani Foundation and LUF set up new international scholarship.’ The Lutfia Rabbani Foundation is responsible for selecting students for the grant. See the Luftia Rabbani website for the terms and conditions. If you have any questions, please contact CWB@LUF.leidenuniv.nl.
The Van Bergen Fund supports student initiatives to build bridges between students from different cultures within a cosmopolitan academic community.
Would you like to be considered for a grant? You can apply with through the Committee for General Student Activity Grants.
The aim of the Dr Charles de Monchy fund is to support the Willem-Alexander Children’s Hospital (WAKZ) in Leiden, in part by awarding travel grants to PhD candidates and students to attend conferences outside the Netherlands or to do a period of study abroad or an overseas internship.
Do you want to apply for a grant? Please contact your student counselor at LUMC.
The Robert Fruin Fund for Study Travel’s purpose is to pay for study trips, often related to research interests, for master’s students, PhD candidates and researchers who obtained their PhD less than two years previously, who are studying or working in Leiden University’s Faculty of Humanities, especially in the academic fields of Linguistics, Literature, History and/or Art History. Applications can be made via this link.
Would you like to apply for a grant from this named fund? You can do so at CWB@LUF.leidenuniv.nl.
The purpose of the Kleio fund is to facilitate a research stay abroad for Master's students of History, in particular Master's students of Ancient History, by means of a stipend, all this in the broadest sense of the word. In the event that there are no suitable candidates for Ancient History available, Master's students from another field of study within the History studies can apply.
Would you like to apply for a grant from this named fund? You can do so at CWB@LUF.leidenuniv.nl.
The Fund for Roman Archaeology was established to support research in the area of Roman archaeology during the period from the 1st century BC to the end of the 5th century AD in the region of Northwest Europe, both within and outside the borders of the Roman Empire. The research must display a clear relationship with the Roman Empire.
Students can also apply for a grant from this named fund. This is done via the Science Committee of the Faculty of Archaeology.
The Fund for South and Southeast Asian Art was established to promote the study of art, antiquities and material culture of South and Southeast Asia.
As a student at Leiden University you can apply for a scholarship from this fund. This is done through our Scientific Expenditure Committee. For more information you can send an email to (CWB@LUF.leidenuniv.nl).