Leiden University Fund.

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Are you looking for financing for your project or research? Who knows, crowdfunding might be the way for you to realise your plans. Crowdfunding is a relatively new way to finance projects.

The LUF offers employees and students the SteunLeiden platform where you can start your crowdfunding campaign in an accessible way. Can crowdfunding be used for your project or research? How do you approach something like that? For more information, please contact Corinda van Bohemen via c.m.van.bohemen@luf.leidingenuniv.nl or 06 247 65 936.

Below you can find a number of examples of (ongoing) crowdfunding projects. Click on the image for more information.

Research: Nutrition for Brain Health
Research into the treatment of sleep problems in young children
Research into the treatment of sleep problems in young children
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