LUF Impulse Grant 2025
Today's complex social issues rarely fall within the confines of a single discipline or specialism. When searching for solutions, it is of great importance that scientists look beyond the boundaries of their own domain. To stimulate this, LUF is allocating 2 grants of up to € 150,000 for interfaculty scientific research or education projects. Pre-selection takes place via the faculties.
Interfaculty teams within Leiden University or LUMC of research or education projects.
- These are independent projects with a duration of up to 3 years with a start date between 1 November 2025 and 1 May 2026.
- Education projects are aimed at long-term innovations or structural improvements in scientific education.
- A project must involve scientists from at least 2 faculties.
- Applicants should have an appointment of at least 0.4 fte at Leiden University or LUMC.
- An applicant may not be involved in more than one project.
- An application may not be submitted to more than one faculty at the pre-selection stage.
- Eligible costs are:
- Directly necessary costs of a project, without mark-up for overheads.
- Material and personnel costs, clearly itemised and without set items or unclear estimates. Personnel costs should relate to those carrying out the work and may include exemption from teaching obligations. Take into account that for laboratory tests done internally, no more than the cost price should be budgeted.
- Exceptionally, the cost of open-access publications. Without explicit and convincing motivation, such an item cannot be honoured.
- Unanticipated expenses (max. 5%).
- No later than 2 months after completion of the project, a project report and an expenses form must be submitted, after which the grant will be disbursed.
- There will be a pre-selection through the faculties. For the procedure and planning, please contact the contact person at your faculty:
- Archaeology: Jimmy Mans
- Humanities: Marlieke Ernst
- Medicine/LUMC: Pieter de Koning and Milou Pauw
- Governance and Global Affairs: Annemarie Bouwman
- Law: Karin van Heijningen
- Social and Behavioural Sciences: Hester Bergsma
- Science: Monique Leemkuil
- Each faculty may submit (a maximum of) two applications to LUF. Applications are reviewed by LUF's Committee for Academic Expenditure (CWB).
- Proposals that have support of the faculty may be submitted to LUF from 1 April 2025 to 1 July 2025 via the LUF grant application form.
- Applications may be submitted in Dutch or English.
- For the project plan, please use the template Project plan application LUF Stimulation Grant 2025.
- For the budget, please use the template on the website and the sample budget. We recommend that you have the budget checked for submission within the faculty by a project controller and/or research support staff member.
- For the letter of recommendation, use the template on the website. The letter should be signed by or on behalf of the faculty board.
- The CWB reviews applications according to the following criteria:
- The social interest and innovative nature of the project.
- Clarity of the problem definition and methodology.
- The interfaculty character and added value.
- Ambition of the applicants and quality of the cv’s.
- An adequate budget. If the budget is unclear or includes ineligible items, the CWB may decide to decline the proposal.
- Applications will be reviewed at the CWB meeting on 8 September 2025. The applicants of maximum 5 best rated projects will be invited for a presentation at the CWB meeting on Monday afternoon, 13 October 2025.
- LUF will announce which 2 project teams will be awarded a grant no later than the week of 27 October 2025.
- Questions? Please contact LUF at It is also possible to request a telephone appointment for further consultation via this e-mail address.