Grants for research and education projects 2020
Once a year the LUF Committee for Academic Expenditure (CWB) awards grants for scientific pro-jects of Leiden University researchers. The grants vary in principle from € 5,000 to € 25,000.
The funding is available from a number of Named Funds of Leiden University Fund (LUF) as well as from the cooperation with the Gratama Foundation, the Elise Mathilde Foundation and SVM (Foundation for packaging and environment). These grants for academic talent are often an important step towards grants by NWO and other grant institutions.
In its March 2020 meeting the CWB discussed 95 applications for a project grant. Total amount applied for was € 2.1 million, while available funds amounted to € 755,750. All applications were reviewed on the basis of a number of criteria, among them the innovative character of the project, the problem definition, the cv of the applicant, the methodology, the budget and the relevance for society. Also given the available funds, and for a part of the applications, the review by external foundations, 30 grants were awarded (32%), while 65 applications could not be honoured.
The CWB also reviewed applications for grants by the Praesidium Libertatis Foundation. Out of the 11 applications 7 could be honoured for a total amount of €102,500.
Please find below an overview of the grants awarded.
Awarded grants Leiden University Fund
Bakels Fund for natural scientific research within archaeology
- Dr. Karsten Lambers (Archaeology), Houtskoolmeilers: een vergeten ambacht op de Veluwe, € 4,954
Prof.dr. A.W. Byvanck Fund for projects in the field of classical antiquity at the cutting edge of archaeology, art history, ancient history and classical languages
- Dr. Marike van Aerde (Archaeology), Routes of Exchange, Roots of Connectivity: The archaeology of ancient networks across the Indian Subcontinent, € 2,500
- Dr. Florence Liard (Archaeology), Between appropriation and innovation: Late Hellenistic moldmade bowls and early Roman lead-glazed pottery under the microscope, € 7,500
Den Dulk-Moermans Fund for projects in the research area of health
- Dr. Paula Ruibal (Medicine/LUMC), Donor-unrestricted T-cell responses against Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in vivo: the role of HLA-E, € 25,000
- Dr. Simon Jochems (Medicine/LUMC), A novel omics assay to measure innate immune system functionality, € 24,978
- Dr. Tamar Tak (Medicine/LUMC), Characterization of dendritic cell heterogeneity in immune responses by microfluidics-based single-cell culture in hydrogel droplets, € 24,920
- Dr. Rachel Schats (Archaeology), Dig, drill and discover: a multidisciplinary approach to investigating the origins of rheumatoid arthritis combining archaeology and rheumatology, € 24,803
Elise Mathilde Fund/LUF for all fields of science
- Dr. Annegret D. Krause-Utz (Social and Behavioural Sciences), Improving emotion regulation and memory in borderline personality disorder: An app-based emotional working memory training, € 21,857
- Dr. Ahmed M.A.M. Ali (Science), Circulating tumor cells: A novel target for noninvasive cancer diagnosis, € 25,000
- Dr. Geert-Jan Will (Social and Behavioural Sciences), How to stop social media from damaging our self-esteem, € 24,942
- Dr. Judith Schomaker (Social and Behavioural Sciences), Onbekend terrein: Verken een nieuwe wereld in je vertrouwde omgeving, € 9,997
- Dr. Sandy Overgaauw (Social and Behavioural Sciences), Cognitive flexibility and empathy as protective factors in children growing up in a war zone, € 24,714
- Dr. Riccardo Giacconi (Humanities), The ‘Option’ aftermath in South Tyrol. A textual and radiophonic investigation in artistic research, € 9,750
- Sam de Schutter MA (Humanities), Imag(in)ing the Disabled Other: Disability in Colonial and Humanitarian Photography, € 25,000
Gratama Stichting/LUF for all fields of science, in particular for projects with a positive societal impact
- Dr. Andrei Poama (Governance and Global Affairs), Fair but harsh? An experimental assessment of the relationship between procedural justice and punishment severity., € 16,000
- Dr. Babak Rezaeedaryakenari (Social and Behavioural Sciences), Authoritarian Survival and State Repression in the Age of Social Media, € 24,720
- Dr. Borja Martinez-Tellez (Medicine/LUMC), Towards an ‘Exercise Pill’ for treating cardiovascular diseases, € 25,000
- Dr. Bas Mourik (Medicine/LUMC), Checkjezelf.nu - ontwikkeling van waarde-gedreven soa zorg, € 25,000
- Dr. Tim Meijers (Humanities), Global Global Justice: Fellowships for African philosophers. (project voor zowel onderwijs als onderzoek), € 15,000
- Dr. Sheila van Berkel (Social and Behavioural Sciences), Perpetrator, Victim, Sibling: a Pioneering Study on Sibling Abuse in the Netherlands, € 24,919
- Dr. Jochem Jansen (Governance & Global Affairs), Experimenteren met veiligheidsbeleving’: een multimodale meting binnen een virtual reality omgeving, € 24,330
- Dr. Fredj Ben Bdira (Science) Bacterial chromatin proteins as targets for new antibacterial agents, € 25.000
- Dr. Valérie Pattyn (Governance and Global Affairs) Designing for policy effectiveness in the case of the Sustainable Development Goals. A cross-country study, € 12,708
Dr. F.F. Hofman Fonds for education and research in the area of gastrointestinal medicine, preferably for education
- Dr. Jurjen Boonstra (Medicine/LUMC), Educatie voor patiënten (en familieleden) met een vroeg stadium dikke darmkanker (MijnT1CRChulp), € 50,000
Kroese-Duijsters Fonds for special research or educational projects from the Law Faculty or Leiden Institute of Chemistry
- Dr. Stephanie Rap (Law), De jeugdrechtszaal van de toekomst, € 10,000
Mulder-Hamelers Fund for research in the field of endocrinology
- Dr. Natasha Appelman - Dijkstra (Medicine/LUMC), Ex vivo tissue culture model for the study of Fibrous Dysplasia/McCune-Albright syndromeg, € 5,000
Fund for Roman Archeology for research in the field of Roman Archeology during the first century before Christ until the end of the fifth century after Christ in North-West Europe, both inside and outside the Roman borders, while the link with the Roman Empire should be clear
- Dr.ir. Mark Driessen (Archaeology), Crossing the border: Using OSL-dating to assess a new Roman marching camp north of the limes near Ermelo (NL), € 9,550
Schild-de Groen Fund for research into cancer
- Dr. Nynke de Glas (Geneeskunde.LUMC), Improving individualized treatment of older patients with advanced melanoma eligible for immunotherapy, €22,500
Schim van der Loeff Fonds for a scientific project in the field of research of International Law, in particular regarding the position of foreign nationals
- No grants awarded
Stichting Verpakking en Milieu/LUF for projects in the field of package and environment
- Dr. Min Cho (Governance and Global Affairs), Problem-solving through design thinking in Liberal Arts and Science (LAS) education - Tackling wicked packaging at home, € 74,750
- Dr. Valerio Barbarossa, (Science), An environmental assessment of biodegradable bioplastics for use in a sustainable Dutch food system, € 75,000
Praesidium Libertatis grants
Fonds Chastelain-Nobach to encourage research through financial support for excavations/field work regarding the Greek and Roman Antiquity
- Dr.ir. Mark Driessen (Archaeology), Power in the Sands: a Monumental Desert Gateway to the Roman World at Udhruḥ (Jordan), € 6,000
- Prof.dr. Joanita Vroom (Archaeology), Crete as Melting Pot: Research into Late Antique, Byzantine and Early Islamic Material Culture at Gortyn (Greece), € 4,000
Fund Meijers Fund/Science to support students and PhD students in the field of Science through scholarships
- Prof. mr. Egbert Koops (Law), Van Bleiswijks “Decisien van den Hogen Rade in Holland” (1723-1745), € 2,500
Fund mr. S.J. Visser to support research in the field of International public law and international private law
- Dr. Daniel Peat (Law), The Afterlife of Cases: Bounded Rationality and Compliance in International Investment Law, €25,000
- Dr. Brian McGarry (Law), Tracing the Inherent Powers of International Courts and Tribunals, € 25,000
- Dr. Robert Heinsch (Law), Establishing a “Global IHL Clinic Network” with Leiden University as the main centre for this new and innovative teaching method, €25,000
Fund Rijke-Hamaker/Humanities to support students and PhD students in the field of Humanities through scholarships
- Tianmu Hong (Humanities), Chinese expatriates: subjectivity, networking and the edifice of China’s globalization in Europe, €15,000
If you have any questions or you would like to discuss your application, please do not hesistate to contact our secretary for allocation of funds Henk Snijders at CWB@LUF.leidenuniv.nl.