Frequently Asked Questions
Below is a list of frequently asked questions about the LUF. If you can’t find the answers you need, please contact us at 071 513 05 03 or We will be happy to help.
Please send us your new address, along with your name and old address, to or call us at +31 71 513 05 03. Alternatively, you can use the Alumni Office's online update form.
Questions about donations
There are various ways to donate to the LUF ranging from the online donation form to establishing a Named Fund. For a list of the options, please see the Contribute page. For further information, feel free to contact us at 071-5130503 or
Thanks to the donations from Leiden alumni and others, the LUF has been able to contribute to outstanding research in Leiden for over 125 years already. Every year, our donors make innovative teaching and research projects possible that would otherwise not have been financially feasible.
The LUF provides grants to staff members, PhD candidates and students of Leiden University. Grant applications are appraised by three committees: the Committee for Academic Expenditure, the Committee for General Student Activity Grants (CASSA) and the LUF International Study Fund Committee (LISF). The Committee for Academic Expenditure appraises applications from PhD candidates and staff members of Leiden University for grants for research or teaching projects, or to attend or organise conferences or study at other institutions. CASSA appraises grant applications for innovative student activities. And the LISF Committee appraises grant applications from individual students for study, internships or teaching abroad.
Under Well spent, you will find the different ways in which our funds are used and under News, you will find more information about projects that have been made possible with the help of our benefactors. For more information on our funds, please refer to our annual reports on the Accountability page.
The Leiden University Funds (LUF) is a registered Algemeen nut beogende instelling (ANBI; Public Benefit Organisation) (also see ‘Zoek een ANBI’ on the Tax and Customs Administration site). Certain forms of donation are tax deductible. Our tax number (RSIN) is: 0028.18.255.
One-off donations
One-off donations are tax deductible if they amount to between 1 and 10% of your (joint) income per calendar year. The Tax and Customs Administration threshold is 1% of your income, with a minimum of €60. Everything that you donate above this sum is tax-deductible up to a maximum of 10% of your threshold income.
Regular donations
If you would like to support the research and teaching at Leiden University for a longer period in a fiscally advantageous manner, then regular donations are the best option. The advantage of regular donations is that if these are made for a minimum of five years, they are fully tax-deductible rather than just a percentage of your income. Over the coming years, the maximum rate in box 1 of your tax return will be reduced in five steps from 45% in 2019 to 36.93% in 2023.
If you are considering making regular donations, please download, fill in and sign the regular donations agreement (Schenkingsovereenkomst Periodiek) before sending it to us.
Our keyholders are a special group of regular benefactors. For more information, please see the Keyholders page on our website. If you decide you would like to become a keyholder, please fill in and sign the keyholder agreement before sending it to us.
For any questions about regular donations, please feel free to contact us at or 071 513 05 03.
Please send your agreement to Leiden University Fund, Antwoordnummer 10318, 2300 WB Leiden. A stamp is not necessary. You will then receive a signed copy from the Leiden University Fund.
Yes, that is possible. More information can be found on our ‘Donating from abroad’ page. For some countries, tax benefits may also apply to donations.
If you live in a SEPA (Single Euro Payments Area) country, it is easy to set up a SEPA direct debit for a one-off, monthly or annual donation to the LUF. SEPA includes all the countries in the EU together with Norway, Iceland and Lichtenstein (which are members of the European Economic Area) along with Switzerland, Monaco and San Marino.
The 34 SEPA countries are as follows: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France (including French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique, and Réunion), Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lichtenstein, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Malta, Monaco, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal (including the Azores and Madeira), Romania, San Marino, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain (including the Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla), Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, Gibraltar).
- Donor data is compared with the data held in the University alumni database and supplemented where relevant. This data is treated confidentially by Leiden University, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation. See the Alumni Privacy Notice.
- When you donate through the web donation form, you agree with the terms and conditions of Ingenico/Mollie.
Amend your donation
Did you know you can easily amend your donation yourself? Choose the amount or frequency you wish to contribute. We greatly appreciate your continued support. Any amount, large or small, helps maintain and enhance the quality of research and education at Leiden University. You can amend your contribution (amount or frequency) via Change Authorisation Form. Your current authorisation will automatically end.
Cancel donation
If you wish to cancel your donation, you can do so via the Cancel Authorisation Form. Thank you very much for your support. We hope to count on your support again in the future. You can also reach out to us at or +31 71 513 05 03.
Questions about student members
You can easily become a student member by filling in this form.
With the Student membership of the LUF you support a study or student association in Leiden or The Hague of your choice. You will also receive a discount at dozens of stores, cafés and activities.
How do I change the designation of my student membership?
You can change the designation of your annual contribution by completing this form.
How can I cancel my student membership?
Canceling your membership is easy by filling in this form.
You can download our logo below.
Do you need a different type of format? Please contact us at