Project grants awarded in 2023
The Leiden University Fund (LUF) Committee for Academic Expenditure (CWB) has an annual project grant round in March for teaching and research projects up to € 35,000. The resources come from the named funds of the LUF, the project grants funds of Stichting Praesidium Libertatis I and from the collaboration of the LUF with the Gratama-Stichting, Stichting Elise Mathilde Fonds en Stichting Verpakking en Milieu.
The CWB received 47 applications for a LUF grant for consideration at their meeting in March 2023. All the applications were assessed on three criteria: 1) their scientific importance and innovative character, 2) the problem statement and methodology, and 3) the ambitions of the applicant and the quality of their CV. Given the available funding and, for some of the applications, the outcome of an assessment by external foundations, 20 applications were awarded a grant.
The awards for each fund are given below:
- Barend Florijn (Medicine/LUMC), Angiogenese-markers in bloed-hersenbarrière lekkage: de missing link bij ouderen en bij vrouwen met cerebrale amyloïd angiopathie, € 35.000
- Sheena Louisa (Science), Sectroiscopic investigation of the electrified interface formed between metallic electrodes and aqueous electrolytes during key processes in renewable energy, € 26.250
- Sophie Groene (Medicine/LUMC) Structural and functional neurodevelopmental consequences of fetal growth restriction in a unique model of discordant identical twins, € 35.000
- Rajagopal Murugan (Medicine/LUMC), Discovery of protective malaria antibodies and their target antigens, € 35.000
- Sanne Willems (Social and Behavioural Sciences), Visualizing uncertainty: the effect on human cognition, emotion, trust and decision-making, € 35.000
Stichting Elise Matilde Fonds-LUF
- Rachel Plak, (Social and Behavioural Sciences), Expeditie Binnenwereld: de podcastserie De impact op de zelfreflectie van jonge adolescenten, € 35.000
- Boyd Kenkhuis, (Medicine/LUMC), Allogeneic stem cell transplants as model for human microglia ontogeny elucidation, € 35.000
- Tingjie Guo, (Science), Design of innovative phage-antibiotic combination treatment to combat antimicrobial resistance, € 35.000
- Eduard Suari-Andreu, (Law), The Effects of Severe Health Shocks on Inter-Vivos Transfers, € 8.300
Den Dulk-Moermans Fund
- Marjan van de Merbel, (Medicine/LUMC), Implementatie van een drie-dimensionaal co-cultuur model van prostaatkanker met immuuncellen voor bepalen van anti-tumor werking door oncolytische virussen en immunotherapie. € 35.000
- Robin van Eenige, (Medicine/LUMC), Glucagon: een nieuw farmacologisch aangrijpingspunt om obesitas te bestrijden?, € 35.000
- Marcella van Hoolwerff, (Medicine/LUMC), Single Cell Microgel encapsulated hiPSC-derived mesenchymal stromal cells to map variability of cell differentiation towards chondrocytes, € 33.600
Dr. F.F. Hofman Fund
- Milena Schönke, (Medicine/LUMC), Submucosal adipocytes: a risk for colorectal cancer or innocent bystander?, € 35.000
- Vincent van Unen, (Medicine/LUMC), Identifying cell-cell interactions that drive human inflammatory bowel disease through spatial transcriptomics, € 34.388
Schild-de Groen Fund
- Jessica Roelands, (Medicine/LUMC), Understanding the link between bacteria and immune responses in colon cancer to improve patient outcomes, € 22.103
Dirkse-Bergsma Fund
- Arthur Crucq, (Humanities), Hybride kunst in voormalig Nederlands-Indië: het ‘oeuvre Iko’ als gedeeld cultureel erfgoed, € 24.738
Leiden University Fund
- Ard Barends, (Law), Integriteitsscreening op de arbeidsmarkt: Een interdisciplinair mixed methods onderzoek naar instrumenten van pre- en in-employmentscreening en attitudes van screeners en werkgevers, € 32.968
- Fouzia Lghoul-Oulad Said, (Science), Real-world risks of disease-drug-drug interactions: the impact of immunomodulating drugs on effectivity and adverse effects of concomitant anti-platelet medication, € 34.912
- Hilde van Meegdenburg, (Social and Behavioural Sciences), Social distance and foreign policy preferences: Why we help some but not others, € 34.895