Leiden University Fund.

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LUF has three of its own spending committees: the Committee for Academic Expenditure (CWB), the LUF International Study Fund Committee (LISF), the Committee on General Grants for Student Activities Grants (CASSA).

Committee for Academic Expenditure

The Committee for Academic Expenditure appraises grant applications made by academics. 

The Committee comprises one professor from each faculty of Leiden University. They are nominated by the Board of Deans of Leiden University and appointed by the Executive Board of the LUF. The current Committee has the following composition:

LUF International Study Fund Committee

The LUF International Study Fund Committee (LISF) appraises student applications for the LISF grant. This grant enables students and recent graduates to carry out individual projects abroad.

The LISF Committee comprises academics from different faculties together with an external member from NWO. The members are appointed by the Executive Board of the LUF. The current committee has the following composition: 

Committee for General Student Activity Grants

The Committee for General Student Activity Grants (CASSA) appraises grant applications from student and study associations. It also promotes student membership of the LUF and organises the annual Cleveringa Debate or Cleveringa Evening. 

The Committee comprises senior members (alumni of Leiden University who were formerly student members of CASSA) and student members. The members are appointed by the Executive Board of the LUF.

Committee composition as of February 1, 2025:

  • Marleen van Putten (chair, alumni member)
  • Phoebe van der Kruit (alumni member)
  • Frank Planjer (alumni member)
  • Johan van der Poest Clement (alumni member)
  • Marije Blom
  • Noëlle Byarugaba
  • Meghan Jolij
  • Élena Laijan
  • Jitse Maas
  • Jibbe Reuver
  • Else van Spronsen
  • Paul Stockmann
  • Maurits van Woercom
  • Aisha Visser
  • Max Otto
  • Manon van der Heijden
  • Daan van der Mark
  • Bauke Drenth
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